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[Press Release] 'Ever-T' Introduces 'Palm Lighting'

  • 이름 : 관리자
  • 작성일 : 2014-05-16
  • 조횟수 : 1885
Link  : [IGEEC 2014] 'Ever-T' Introduces 'Palm Lighting', the Sensitive LED Lighting for Children
by :  AVING Global news.network

Ever-T (CEO Gwang kyoo Lee, www.palmlighting.co.kr) participates at 'International Green Energy Expo & Conference Korea 2014(IGEEC)' which take place on April 2nd to 4th at Daegu EXCO, to introduce Palm Lighting, the sensitive LED lighting for children....



이전글 [언론기사] 어린이를 위한 LED감성조명 '팜라이팅'
다음글 [언론기사] 금강일보 에버티 소개